One of DulyArt’s goals is to provide talented dancers with
the training they need to join professional dance
companies in the future. The school offers a track for such
students with a minimum of 12 hours of instruction a week.
The students learn a variety of dance styles, including
classical ballet and modern dance, as well as composition
and the Martha Graham Technique. The program also offers
workshops run by different choreographers, classes in
hip hop and a diverse dance troupe repertory.

The achievements of participants in the Excellence program
are showcased every year in special performances open
to the public.

Ensemble: Ido Tadmor 2012 –

In 2012, Israeli choreographer Ido Tadmor organized a nationwide project for outstanding dance students. A group of students from DulyArt’s Excellence program was chosen by Tadmor as one of three groups he mentored. The resulting works were performed at the Suzanne Dellal Center for Dance and Theater.

Ensemble: Moshe Efrati and Rama Goren Hakimi 2013 –

In 1978, Moshe Efrati, one of the first members of the Batsheva Dance Company, established Kol Demama, a dance troupe that included both deaf and hearing dancers. This kind of collaboration was unheard of at the time. Efrati has composed works for dance companies in Israel and Europe, and over the years has won many prizes, among them the Israel Prize for Dance in 1977.
A group of outstanding students from DulyArt recreated three selections from the work of Moshe Efrati. The chosen pieces were from “Myth,” “Tmuna” and “Tiyutot,” which have enjoyed great local and international acclaim. The dancers received instruction from Moshe Efrati and Rama Goren Hakimi.

The Duck: Yoni Sutahi 2014 –

Over the last two years, Yoni Sutahi, winner of the Gvanim Dance Festival award, has staged three works that received excellent reviews and marked him as one of the most promising choreographers on the Israel dance scene today.
Sutahi worked with students from DulyArt’s Excellence program on “Ducks,” an adaptation of his solo “The Duck” performed by Oryan Yohanan, who also mentored the students. “Ducks” was performed before an audience at the Suzanne Dellal Center for Dance and Theater.